Monday, March 08, 2010

Ebay? The Great Meeting Place?

This was a comment on my last post - I felt it was too good to be tucked away in comments so I'm posting it on its own.

Submitted by EventHorizon1984:

I, along with thousands of other sellers are waiting...we're waiting for the next "Ebay" - the next large community of sellers and buyers. I don't see one on the horizon and if one doesn't show up soon then the whole business of online sales will go to the big, rich, retail companies who only wish to expand their presence to the internet.

We'll frame this like the shadow of a fairy tale.

"Once upon a time there was a Great meeting place. People had never seen it's like before. This Great meeting place thrived for many many years. There came a time that when the powers that be decided to improve the Great meeting place. Certain small people were told to leave or were removed by force. Many other small people fled. In time these little folk congregated in a dozen or so small meeting places. Because the other Lesser meeting places would not take them.

But the Great meeting place put forth the word that these small meeting places would never be it's equal. That these small meeting places would need the banking support and guidance of the Great meeting place. For all time.

The small meeting places boycotted the Great meeting place. But the Great meeting place survived and continued to thrive. And laughed at the noise.

Now on their own, these small meeting places squabbled amongst themselves and soon dispersed into dozens of other small meeting places. All faced years of hardship and uncertainty as to their survival. But being stubborn and spirited, survive and grow they did. And in the fullness of time became a multitude of great meeting places.

The End."

Sounds very familiar doesn't it? You're thinking the fairy tale version of eBay?

In case anyone is wondering, the above was an abbreviated history. The "Great meeting place" is not eBay but Great Britain. With the "dozen or so small meeting places" as Australia and the Thirteen Colonies. The latter becoming thirteen States, which in turn became 50.

We're expecting something similar. With Google providing the common bond and communications between the 'small meeting places'. Abet this being the Internet, the process will not take centuries, but years.

The Great meeting place is not going away, but neither should all of you small sellers. Consider where you would be, if your ancestors decided to turn around or give up?

"Don't worry, on a new job it's quite common for things not to go well at first."
Cora, Quigley Down Under (1990)

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Thoughts on Ebay, the Economy, Online Sales & Cupcakes & Wine

Cupcakes & Wine

Lately, I've been reflecting on the economy and on my sales and the sales of other artists. Since I'm retired, its pretty easy for me to think about the future. Financially, I'm not wealthy but I do have a modest income - enough to cover my needs. These days I think more about the people who are out of work and desperate then I do about myself. I keep hoping for a turnaround, but that doesn't seem to be happening yet. I keep wishing that the leader we put into office, with such great hope for change, would begin doing something for the citizens of this nation. It saddens me but there is nothing I can do except be grateful for what I have and hope the rest will prosper soon.

Online sales for small sellers of collectibles and artwork has fallen off to the point where it is almost useless to list items and hand over fees. The smaller sites need AUCTIONS there is no excitement in searching by keywords and blundering onto what you want and the same stuff sits month after month. Their present format is confusing and not successful...yes, I'm talking Etsy, Bonanzle, eCrater, etc. etc. They're gaining more sellers but those precious buyers are still mostly out of their reach. None of them advertise...that I can see. Overstock does advertise but for the life of me I cannot understand why they seem to hide the fact that they have auctions running too - if you don't believe me go to the site and LOOK. Sellers deserve more than this type of service. Sellers are willing to pay for service but most of the small sites operating today aren't prepared to give us that.

As for Ebay, the old CEO, campaigning for California governor, is still bragging about the thousands of little people she helped start a business on Ebay while her hand-groomed successor, the new CEO, tears it apart and puts most of those sellers out of business. No use mentioning any more about them. Its water under the bridge now and not worth the space in this post.

I, along with thousands of other sellers are waiting...we're waiting for the next "Ebay" - the next large community of sellers and buyers. I don't see one on the horizon and if one doesn't show up soon then the whole business of online sales will go to the big, rich, retail companies who only wish to expand their presence to the internet. It will be same brand new chinese junk you now find in any mall or large store and the excitement that was once Ebay and online sales of the eclectic, the rare, the vintage...will perish!

Not the best mood for a Sunday morning but I felt I had to tell it as it appears to me and then we, perhaps, can collectively hope for a the economy and the online sales.

Something different today, an abstract, called "Cupcakes & Wine"